One of the serious problem that is facing Thai society is abortion. This subject is a very controversial subject that has been argued over and over. Abortion is th destruction of the fetus or unbornchild while the child still in the mother's womb. However, in the society, there are two sides of this abortion topic, the PRO-LIFE, the person who against abortion or the PRO-CHOICE, the person who believe it is the woman's right to choose whether she wants to have an abortion.
These two groups offer different soulutions to this problem. The pro-life solution is to save the baby's life and let them grow. They believe abortion is not a good answer to avoid the ashame action. In contrast, the pro-choice solution is, every woman has her rights to make decision to take an unwanted pragnancy. However, from the nowadays news, the trend of abortion seems to be the pro-choice group since most Thai women decided to leave the child out of their lives. Although. the pro-choice group has their own reason and perspective for abortion, there are many affects occur, such as mental sickness, physical suffering and disease. Moreover, for Buddhists, destroying other's life is as a sin, which is greatly immoral.
Doing abortion causes many great effects, the aftermath of doing this immoral actions gives much suffering the doer. Therefore, is it good to kill an innocent baby because he or she is as a person that we don't want?
Let's share some idea...Which sides are you stand for, Pro-Life or Pro-choice?
Post by *Oa Chayanit T.